Toys Я Us Seef Mall i Seef

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BahrainToys Я Us Seef Mall



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Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1758 0860
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Latitude: 26.2339186, Longitude: 50.5383814

kommentar 5

  • Husain Alaradi

    Husain Alaradi


    One of the good places for toys in Bahrain... Don't buy play dough or clours from there... I've done it more than one time and they were sticky due to bad storage.

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    [Update]08-06-2018 We have just purchased some huge train set for our son's birthday and next day I had a couple of issue, regardless of the issues , I was very impressed with the level of cooperation the staff had when it came to after sales service, I am encouraged to make future purchases from Toys R Us just because of how our issue was handled, I highly recommend them as your destination for such purchases. Good place for baby products and toys I would still recommend you go around and compare whatever you find here with other places like the Local MotherCare ( Centerpoint place ) in city centre or The British Mothercare

  • Saira Asif

    Saira Asif


    Good collection of toys but the toys are way overpriced, when a 20$ toy is sold for 20 BD. Its a good place to shop when there is a sale.

  • en

    victor grafilo


    Nice friendly staff. Good items and pricing. But should have more matchbox and hotwheels die-cast car though, stock is a bit dated and lacks variety.

  • Reem Alammadi

    Reem Alammadi


    Nice place for buying toys or kids gifts. They have trampoline and playing area for kids. The staff very friendly

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