Boots Pharmacy i المنامة

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBoots Pharmacy



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Bahrain City Centre, Building 2758، Road 4650, Sh. Khalifa Highway، Manama, Bahrain, المنامة، Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1717 9851
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.233619, Longitude: 50.554768

kommentar 5

  • Eman Alwan

    Eman Alwan


    A “pharmacy” that is more of a STORE! Go to Naser Pharmacy if you need professional recommendations. Do not trust “Boots Store pharmacy” recommendations, buy what you need and run before all these sales ladies will bother you with their none sense. I went to buy some products for my hair and here I am being hunted by up to 3 sales assistants. I got asked 3 times if I need help and even if you say no thanks they don’t let you alone figure out with you need. so eventually I gave up and thought let’s see how they can help. Well, every question I asked the answers of the sales assistant was assumption if she just move away and let me read product labels that would have been much more helpful. It’s like within boots they are 4 stores ( hair, skin, makeup, etc ) and each assistant in her section will try to make you buy something. Almost like you are in Manama Souq many clueless sales people for a pharmacy and probably all of them have high targets. Final point : Get what you need and get OUT (you have two doors to run with your life)

  • Zaid Uae

    Zaid Uae


    Its a make up shop and not pharmacy, they dont have any medicines!!!

  • 彭捷



    This is a shop only consider earn money without care. If you are sick, not enter it! When I was shopping there, my 2year son vomit suddenly. I informed the sales with sorry we dirt the floor and waiting for the cleaner When the cleaner come with mop, one fat sales woman pushed the cleaner aside, threw the tissue to the floor and pointed at me, askingme to use the tissue to clean the floor. I complained to the lady in charge. Why the saleswomen asked me to clean the floor with the cleaner stand by? The lady in charge said cause my baby vomitted and the cleaner only reaponse for daily clean but not including omit. What an awful shopping experience in this Phamcy!

  • mohammed alamgir

    mohammed alamgir



  • Ali Al Zeera

    Ali Al Zeera


    Great offers and promotions

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