Carrefour Manama i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCarrefour Manama



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Ammar Bin Yasser Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1755 8182
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2282127, Longitude: 50.5804209

kommentar 5

  • Laxman Saval

    Laxman Saval


    I had been to other Carrefour and the experience is good. But Manama is the worst when comes to Cashier section. If I take 10 visits 9 visits were as follows. The trolley used to disappear after punching. When asked the answer is you should tell first that you want trolly. Well next time I told but the items were not put in trolley. Once the the Lady cashier was arguing like she is in fish market. Another time male cashier was arguing that I should be aware if the price different on the shelf and in POS Machine. Literally it is a disaster and ill trained staff at exit point only. The rest is so lovely.

  • Muhammad Shabeer

    Muhammad Shabeer


    Carrefour manama nice work my duty morrining you injay home

  • Rajan MS

    Rajan MS


    We always purchase in this supermarket as we get everything there under one roof nd with reasonable rate.

  • Denise Krebs

    Denise Krebs


    Helpful staff. At 3 pm today it was not crowded. Very easy to get in and out.

  • nafsin V K

    nafsin V K


    Good for a quick shopping. Better price now a days. Quality is not as good as other Carrefour. Very hard to find a staff to help

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