Carrefour Bahrain Mall i Sanabis

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BahrainCarrefour Bahrain Mall



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BLDG 184, Road, 28 Block 410 Sanabis Seef، Sanabis 428, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 8000 8899
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Latitude: 26.2297332, Longitude: 50.5373709

kommentar 5

  • Siva Prasada Reddy Munnangi

    Siva Prasada Reddy Munnangi


    Greatest shopping at Carrefour, Bahrain Mall.. with every great deal offers customers high satisfaction...!!!

  • Muhd Zaid

    Muhd Zaid


    Best place for buy your groceries. Price is reasonable and always had promotion. Fish, chicken, vegetables all fresh. Before it was geant.

  • karim kader

    karim kader


    My best shopping place ever!, the good with Mall of Bahrain branch is usually not as much rush as city centre!

  • Rene G

    Rene G


    What used to be Giant before it was acquired by Carrefour, it is like a smaller version of their main and first hypermarket in Bahrain which is in the City Center mall. Best thing about this is that they are both relatively close and have almost the same products, so if you do not find something you are looking for in this one you can try their main hypermarket in the City Center mall.

  • Maryam Mohammed

    Maryam Mohammed


    One of my favorite supermarkets, it has great variety of food, clothes, electronics, home supplies and much more. It's one of the best places for grocery shopping in Bahrain and one of the best branches of Carrefour. Definitely a recommend for your monthly grocery.

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