Costa Coffee - Adliya i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCosta Coffee - Adliya



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Baréin
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 9299
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Latitude: 26.213235, Longitude: 50.5862126

kommentar 5

  • ar

    Waleed_hosieny Hosieny


    مكان رائع واسعاره متوسطة ويوجد بجوار مسجد العدلية

  • en

    sarah jane mcentee


    Coffee is strong. Cakes usually stale and are heated up in the microwave so watch out! The cafe looks slightly grubby in the day time. Im pretty sure the coffee machine pipes need descaling so something. They always have soya milk in which is great Staff so sweet.

  • Ali Al-Mahmood

    Ali Al-Mahmood


    It is a nice coffee shop and nice place you can drink whatever you want

  • Tom Thomas

    Tom Thomas


    Very poor service The barista was VERY rude. We requested her to deliver our 4 drinks to our table, but instead of politely refusing or giving a reason why she couldn't. She rudely refused. Another server came as asked our group to shush when we were hardly loudland there are many others who were also loud. A chain like this needs to be better

  • en

    Hussain Malalla


    Nice, excellent coffee shop despite that I don't drink coffee, but it has other some coffee free items.

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