Carrefour Bahrain City Center i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCarrefour Bahrain City Center



🕗 åbningstider

Road 4650, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 8000 8899
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2329524, Longitude: 50.5549188

kommentar 5

  • Peejay, Jr. Lee

    Peejay, Jr. Lee


    Nice place to get your groceries from especially for breads because they have a good variety to choose from. I'm just looking for more offers and better deals on their products.

  • Jaweria Afreen

    Jaweria Afreen


    Giving 1 rating because there is no negative rating , always encountering billing issues. U have to wait so long after having so many counters.but only few kept we r standing in a queue more than 15min when our turn came he told counter is closed however he did billed to the person behind me.. No one supervisoring there. 😠😡 Next we were standing in next counter after standing more then 10min. he said the same and informed supervisor said to close the counter. We r totally disappointed with this.. We r not going to come once again.

  • victor grafilo

    victor grafilo


    Good selection of items and products. Affordable price. Need to open more checkout counter though especially during weekends

  • Phone FixBD

    Phone FixBD


    This is good .. All kind of Worlds band shop is there.. anything you can buy and enjoy from City center. i love to shopping from city center . today i bought a nikkon camera from city center . really its annice shopping mall that have ever visited .

  • Reyadh Khamis

    Reyadh Khamis


    Carrefour hypermarket in city centre is one of the best hypermarkets in the kingdom. Everything is organised, the offers they make are very good. The pricing of the merchandise is a bit lower than other hypermarkets. Recommended

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