Veranda Restaurant and Café i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainVeranda Restaurant and Café



🕗 åbningstider

7, Delmun Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2190857, Longitude: 50.5861711

kommentar 5

  • Saswati Borah

    Saswati Borah


    Veranda Restaurant and Café in Adliya is one of the oldest cafe-restaurants in Bahrain. The menu includes a variety of different dishes, but the food is delicious and well prepared. The service is friendly and good. The shisha cafe section has always been popular. The management changes the layout and decor regularly and this makes the restaurant very interesting. The only problem is finding a parking place.

  • Amani Alsadiq

    Amani Alsadiq


    I love it so much and it is my daily restaurant that I spend a lot of time in it having my rest time there and I love the atmosphere so much and the stuff are awesome and became my friends l recommended it strongly ❤️😉👌 moreover the food is very good and so yami 😋😋

  • Ruby Moran

    Ruby Moran


    little pricy.. but good food...

  • Shahid Sadiq

    Shahid Sadiq


    Nice place but not special needs friendly as no ramp at the stairs plus car access upto the entrance is blocked.

  • sam george babu

    sam george babu


    The taste was mediocre. Ambience was okay. The service was fine. Overall experience was less than satisfactory.

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