Arizona Cafe i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainArizona Cafe



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شارع اسامة بن زيد بالعدلية، Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1727 6760
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Latitude: 26.2191918, Longitude: 50.5891647

kommentar 5

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    Mohammad Naim


    Nice ambience but could be better

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    nemo nemo


    Sheesha is gud with bahrain theme but food is expensive...

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    Minnon Jason


    No air conditioning , electricity is closing every hour twice. Bad internet connection. Good shiesha and food selection.

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    Shak Bec


    The place location is good and there is a variety of seating areas where you can find cozy sitting table feels private but you have to pay 8BD. I didn't like the service during day time because of the manner of the workers, the serving speed is not bad though. Food was average if not below, I ordered Tanduri was burnt mostly and the nun was more like lebanese bread. Shisha was fine except if they use natural coal will be better, the industrial gives bad taste.

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    abdo Hish


    Great cafe offering tasty food. Its atmosphere is romantic and the prices are reasonable.

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