Gloria Jean's Coffees i Manama

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BahrainGloria Jean's Coffees



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
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Latitude: 26.2133963, Longitude: 50.5778106

kommentar 5

  • Saswati Borah

    Saswati Borah


    Good place at a convenient location to spend quiet time with a coffee, or meet friends.

  • en

    Kawther Alkhenaizi


    My favorite coffee place, this branch is not for studying.

  • Yusuf Bokhammas

    Yusuf Bokhammas


    Good place to meet up with someone for a coffee.. The outside tables dont have plugs for charging, I didnt ask for extension so they might have..

  • Salman Shahab

    Salman Shahab


    Cookies should be chewy. Ones I had here are so hard it slit my oesophagus in to a bloody mess on its way down.

  • Ifrah Zaheer

    Ifrah Zaheer


    They have luscious coffee.If you have entertainer it will cost you less. It's must try place as it has very calm ambiance.

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