Davinci Cafe i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainDavinci Cafe



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631, Road No 3821, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 4858
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Latitude: 26.2146644, Longitude: 50.5913155

kommentar 5

  • Mishal AlGhanim

    Mishal AlGhanim


    Unfortunately closed for maintenance!!

  • Ross Martin

    Ross Martin


    They have very nice food, the owner made the restaurant very nice with renovations but now he changed the place to be a non-smoking cafe with no shisha. I do not go here anymore, it is a shame! Mohammed the manager, he is amazing!!

  • Abo Jasim

    Abo Jasim


    Nice and Romantic Shisha is good and its price good The food is very nice

  • Zaid Uae

    Zaid Uae


    Very bad service the waitresses especially the Philippians's girl is very rude and the food arrived very late!!!! كله خرى و متأخرين و وقحين والله!

  • Z 0 0 M L A Z U R D

    Z 0 0 M L A Z U R D


    The prices are reasonable, service is good, has shisha (hookah) lounge in addition to private rooms. However, the furniture did not meet up to my personal standards.

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