Nestle Toll House Cafe i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainNestle Toll House Cafe



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Saqiyah Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 7722
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Latitude: 26.2130161, Longitude: 50.5771665

kommentar 5

  • Ebrahim Adam

    Ebrahim Adam


    Nice coffee and good sweet. Big place with great ambience and atmosphere. Can be a good place for friends gathering.

  • Armida Ali

    Armida Ali


    coffee is average! customer service is worst! I came with friends and ordered of course then later I asked for the wifi password and guess what the staff answered you have to be a customer to use it! I wouldn't explain the rest... Never came back to this branch after that incident. Budaiya branch is so much better....

  • en

    Omyahya Itani


    Best black coffee and chocolate cookies very beautiful atmosphere especially isa twon branch

  • Ahmed Abdel-Latif

    Ahmed Abdel-Latif


    Very cool place to hang out on evenings or weekends. The menu is quite enticing and delivered with consistent quality.

  • Hamad Al Mahmeed

    Hamad Al Mahmeed


    AMAZING cookies... Acceptable coffee. The two story coffee shop has a nice atmosphere & hosts soft ice cream machines. Located in Segaya plaza, nestle toll house is a nice place to hang out or uplift your day. Don't miss out the mini cookies in a bag to get a chance to taste the various flavors they offer

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