Toyota Showroom i Sitra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainToyota Showroom



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1104, Sitra, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1773 0730
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1696418, Longitude: 50.6027779

kommentar 5

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    Toyota is one of the most successful here in Bahrain, and they have a nice showroom which includes most of the models, but there salesman have no motivation or intention to sell at all, i am not sure if that's the company strategy or not, but every time we want to buy a car from there we have to follow the salesman, not like the other showrooms.

  • Peejay, Jr. Lee

    Peejay, Jr. Lee


    Wanna know the full line up of Toyota? Visit this showroom and look for Paul!

  • Dr.S.A.Azeez Pasha

    Dr.S.A.Azeez Pasha


    Lovely showroom but sales persons seem to be not that good. They sit as if the customer is at their disposal and the customers have no choice but to buy their vehicles!!

  • Al Munfaredi

    Al Munfaredi


    If I could givn them 0 would have been better. The space used for the entrance to Lexus or Toyota showroom is unreasonably wide. They may use the space for parking. The signboard of Lexus showroom is covering the School signboard (sense of disrespect to an educational body). The side gates to the garage is just near school which is dangerous on the kid's safety. They are occupying more space than its official boundries with a chain!! Garage has more than one entrance which are away from the school entrance but not used!! The two showrooms and the garage are just annoying visitors to school. Staff at Toyota Showroom are arrogant and do not bother to attend potential buyers. Toyota is just an ordinary brand but overpriced. For the same price or less a potential buyer can get better offers.

  • Ali Almohsen

    Ali Almohsen


    Much better treatment than the showrooms in Saudi, but they still do suffer from the same issue. They are so confident in their sales that they don't put any effort in selling you the car, nor do they ever have any good offers. End of the day, you are getting a Toyota, which offers great bang for your buck and great reliability.

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