National Motor Company i Sitra

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BahrainNational Motor Company



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Shaikh Jaber A. Al Subah Highway, Sitra, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1745 7100
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Latitude: 26.1701295, Longitude: 50.6043306

kommentar 5

  • Jassim Seyadi

    Jassim Seyadi


    National Agent for Honda, GMC, Cadilac and Cheverolet cars.

  • Mustaq Ahamed

    Mustaq Ahamed


    Some pls inform me where I can get Bajaj pulser bike thanks

  • Dr.S.A.Azeez Pasha

    Dr.S.A.Azeez Pasha


    Lovely showroom. Sales persons are courteous and take earnest steps to explain. Make one feel important.

  • en

    Mohammad AlHadidi


    I had the worst experience ever, my trade in Tahoe didn't get me the price i wonted although i had my excellence package, plus that was cancelled starting from insurance, two years service, registration fees for the whole two years, plus the whole process of the trade in took one month, the sales people were polite but did not solve my problem of continuance delay, while, i was without a car and my request got refused for a replacement car ALTHOUGH I WAS A CUSTOMER WITH AN EXCELLENCE PACKAGE !!!! company policy, but other got it because simply they gave the sales manager a Huge headache the process was a disaster and the worst of all when i asked to talk to the general manager Mr. Barakat he avoided me and never took my call. I love the car but i really hope that another dealer would take the Chevrolet brand in Bahrain soon to give the brand its proper value.

  • Vivek Joseph K

    Vivek Joseph K


    Went to look at the new Honda Accord but left in 5 minutes. Turned out that the sales lady who enthusiastically chased me for an appointment (I was impressed with her follow ups) didn't know a lot about her own products. She was constantly checking with her colleagues for answers to the simple questions I had which was pathetic. She was friendly enough but I detected a sense of "I just want to sell these cars but am not bothered knowing anything about them". Dead wrong call for a salesperson. So I won't be buying a Honda in Bahrain from these folks.

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