Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Building No. 4018, Road No. 469, Block No. 604,, Al-Qarya., Post Box No. 3044, Sitra, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1773 6222
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.171658, Longitude: 50.6026874

kommentar 5

  • en

    Varun Mathur


    Volve is the most safest and good looking car. The staff at Motorcity is really good and supportive.

  • Adel Janahi

    Adel Janahi


    I had an appointment at 9:30 and the bus for transport was supposedly scheduled for 9:00. They told me to come at 9:00 in order to catch up with the bus as they said he will wait for me. I came early and I waited for my turn. Apparently, the employee couldn't finish his appointments on time and so the bus left and did not wait. Later they said the next bus will come at 11. however, they managed to get a driver and got me to riffa, leaving at 10:30. So from 9:00 AM till 10:30 AM, not only did the employee take a long time, the bus didn't wait for me when I was promised that they will. Well, I do not recommend this place for anyone and please go with transportation as their transport service is bad. Deserves a 1 star in my opinion for the waste of time.

  • Yasser Alhamed

    Yasser Alhamed


    Best Car agency in Bahrain...staff and quality of professionalism is always there!!

  • en

    mohamed baqer


    Test drive the new xc60. premium feeling, posh interior infact the best in market and very nice approach from the Sales Team, ask for Mrs Eliane. Amazing features and excellent offer. Seriously planning to own one very soon.

  • Vivek Joseph K

    Vivek Joseph K


    This is a multi brand car dealership. I saw Volvo and Subaru here but there are a few more brands in the facility. Excellent staff and assistance but the road approach isn't paved so those with cars that have a low ground clearance will have some nervous moments getting there.

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