Maserati Manama, Bahrain i سترة

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainMaserati Manama, Bahrain



🕗 åbningstider

1135, Al Hamriya, سترة, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1775 0750
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.154137, Longitude: 50.611231

kommentar 5

  • Shams nazia

    Shams nazia


    Limited edition 150 nos all around the world

  • Alawi AlAlawi

    Alawi AlAlawi


    The best dealership in the country.

  • Bader AlShafei

    Bader AlShafei


    u ask for a specific model with a specific engine. sales lady wants to force u to buy the biggest engine saying its best for ur age?! since when do u know wts gd for me and whats not... rubbish sales ppl. highly unrecommended!!!

  • A. Kanawati

    A. Kanawati


    Outstanding service quality and customer services! one of the best dealers i've ever dealt with worldwide.

  • Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen

    Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen


    Since 1998, Euro Motors set out to position itself as the leader in the automotive industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain and has since come a long way. From a modest start with only BMW, the dealership has managed to acquire premium brands such as MINI, Land Rover Rolls Royce, Ferrari and Maserati under its impressive banner. In doing so, it has preserved each identity with the utmost integrity and dedication. Euro Motors does not compromise on presentation, quality, technical service and customer care. Fully committed to the principle of offering the utmost to our customers, the drive to improve profitability is always conditioned to match promise with performance because every Euro Motors customer is valued.

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