Land Rover Euro Motors WLL, Manama i Manama

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BahrainLand Rover Euro Motors WLL, Manama


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810, Shk. Jaber Al Ahmed, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1775 0750
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1537958, Longitude: 50.6113109

kommentar 3

  • en

    bu hessa bu hessa


  • Vivek Joseph K

    Vivek Joseph K


    First of all, this company does not deserve even the one star I am giving. This star is for the sales lady who had the embarrassing duty of explaining one of the most ridiculous service and support policies of any company I have heard in a while. I have a 2016 Land Rover LR4 that I purchased brand new in the UAE. I moved to Bahrain last year and brought the car with me. The annual service is now due and when I attended the service appointment, I was told I need to pay BHD 2,000 for an 'inspection' without which they will not touch the car or even honour standard Land Rover terms of warranty. When pressed for a logical explanation for this charge, they had none except for some vague concerns about stolen cars! All purchase and service records of my car are registered in the Land Rover records and easily accessible to their authorized dealers so that explanation won't fly. Also be aware that the LR Total Care app does not work in Bahrain (works beautifully in the UAE), contact numbers at Euromotors published on their website are never answered nor can you leave a voice message because the mailbox is full. They will also never return your call, or confirm an appointment despite repeatedly promising to do so. I am surprised such folks remain in business and seemingly continue to flourish. They are nothing short of a joke.

  • en

    Abdulla Husain


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