The Westin City Centre Bahrain i Manama

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BahrainThe Westin City Centre Bahrain



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Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman Highway, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1717 1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.233296, Longitude: 50.55271

kommentar 5

  • Mohd Loay

    Mohd Loay


    Great facility, nice and clean. Directly connected to city center mall. (Karim) from the front desk is truly a guest services champion...well done.

  • Ramsey White

    Ramsey White


    I’ll give it two stars because the hotel reception was nice enough to check us in early. Everything else was disappointing. Pool heater is not working. Spa receptionist obviously have no customer service training and were cold and heartless. Only benefit is the convenience of being connected to the mall. For a bit more you can stay at the Ritz. Better service and facilities. Not far from City Centre and Seef mall. Special thanks to the Bahraini lifeguard who did his best to entertain the kids to make up for the lack of attention hotel management give to the guests.

  • Abdallah Tamimi

    Abdallah Tamimi


    Interesting place. Everything in one place. Vegetables, fruits, bread, fish, meat, drinks of all sorts. Merchandise. Hard to mention everything. Varieties

  • مرتضى الأحمد

    مرتضى الأحمد


    This is one of the biggest malls in Bahrain can get pretty much everything you'd need in this mall - from clothes & shoes to groceries, from perfumes to food I usually visit this place to watch new movies in the cinema and enjoy walking around sometimes. I like some restaurants there which has delicious and fresh food

  • a alkfiri

    a alkfiri


    One of the best shopping malls in the Bahrain and West Saudi. It's a place where you can go and spend a whole day without being bored, everything is there, lots of activities and good international restaurants. All of the top brands are there. People there are very friendly and helpful.

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