Le Meridien City Centre Bahrain i Manama

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BahrainLe Meridien City Centre Bahrain



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Al Seef, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1717 1000
internet side: www.lemeridienbahraincitycentre.com
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Latitude: 26.233351, Longitude: 50.552788

kommentar 5

  • Oliver Ogg

    Oliver Ogg


    Excellent staff who are friendly and efficient. Good eating options and breakfast, lunch buffet and dinner (a grill in my case) were very good. Outdoor pool on the third floor with a large terrace and seating areas which is also a pleasant place to hang out in the evening. The bar downstairs is dark and quite noisy. Rooms were well appointed and comfortable.

  • en

    Vanessa Williams


    Great brunch with a superb range and quality of food , particularly the desserts. I can highly recommend the pina coladas and the mocktails.

  • Mario Sokcevic

    Mario Sokcevic


    Never fails. Nice comfortable and clean hotel. Breakfast choice is quite wide and good! I always choose this place when in Bahrain!

  • shahina khan

    shahina khan


    Excellent hotel and excellent staffs. service is very good. Location.. ambiance..excellent. everything about this hotel is good. Its in ci ty center.. and you get almost everything there.

  • Jassim Al Zayani

    Jassim Al Zayani


    I stayed in this hotel for the weekend with the family in mid January 2018. This hotel is a great place to spend your vacation in Bahrain. It has a direct access to Bahrain city centre mall. The room: very clean and the furniture is brand new. The interior decorations are spectacular, one actually casts a shadow of a camel. The bedding is of great quality. There are numerous power sockets which is always a con in some other hotel. The wardrobe is spacious without those pesky hangers. The bathroom: great bathtub and a large space to move around. The bathroom actually has a glass window separating it from the rest of the room which i don’t recommend if you are staying with your buddy :). The staff were extremely helpful and polite. One housekeeping personnel asked me out of the blue if I needed anything extra in my room. And when i said thank you he put extra bottles of water just because he saw my kids with me. The bottom line is you don’t have to ask the staff for anything. The mini fridge did not contain any alcohol which was a plus for me because I had kids. The only con I found is that they did not place a price list for the beverages inside the fridge which is a friendly consumer gesture. Finally this hotel is a 5 star in my book. The price might seem a bit steep but the over all feeling when you stay here makes you forget the price.

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