The Westin City Centre Bahrain i Manama

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BahrainThe Westin City Centre Bahrain



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Al Seef District, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1717 1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2332526, Longitude: 50.5526883

kommentar 5

  • Jude Frank Dondiego

    Jude Frank Dondiego


    ...i bought my Columbia UV protection clothing here. The sales representative speaks very good English...lots of sale items during Ramadan.. ...make sure you will not miss the west extension, the signs are not so catchy..

  • mohamed ashraf abdel salam

    mohamed ashraf abdel salam


    Centrally located food can be better

  • Naseem Ferdowsi

    Naseem Ferdowsi


    The Westin rooms are pretty spacious, very clean, and well kept. The Deluxe room had a glassed in bathroom which was a nice, modern touch but might be a bit weird if you’re traveling with someone who isn’t your partner. The privacy button makes the glass opaque but it wasn’t quite perfect. Wifi was decent but cut out a lot and wasn’t consistent. Spa facilities for hotel guests were disappointing. The steam room is standing only, with no seats. It’s the size of a broom closet. The Jacuzzi wasn’t working. Gym is open 24/7. Breakfast at Furn is pretty good but wished there were more healthy options, and better coffee.

  • Nakkiran Sunassee

    Nakkiran Sunassee


    This was our first stay at a Westin, and the staff made our stay so smooth and effortless, that it will not be our last! In particular, we would like to thank Neha from the reception desk, who went out of her way many times to accommodate our requests. The room is big and has all the amenities one needs, the bed comfortable, and one suggestion is to provide a selection of pillows on check-in. The location is great, as it is attached to the mall, which provides guests with a large number of dining and shopping options. The food at Furn was very good, breakfast catered for everyone, and the service was always delivered with big smiles. Should we go back to Bahrain, we'll definitely stay there again!




    Great hotel with great location attached to the city centre mall. Hotel's services and staff are good.. worth the experience 👌👌👍

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