S Hotel Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainS Hotel Bahrain



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Road No 2819، Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1738 0380
internet side: www.s-hotelbahrain.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2348268, Longitude: 50.5486657

kommentar 5

  • Ali Hassan

    Ali Hassan


    So nice staff, location and food

  • Mustafa Bukhshaim

    Mustafa Bukhshaim


    Excellent hotel 🏩 Excellent location. Good price. Excellent parking 🅿. Friendly staff. Outstanding the Fish 🐠 & French fries 🍟. You gonna love 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍. Very clear TV 📺 channels. Wide variety.

  • Nabil Rashidi

    Nabil Rashidi


    This review is specifically regarding holding meetings here. The staff are helpful and the catering services are very good. However, the meeting rooms are small and the carpets need to be changed as they are quite stained. Generally, meeting rooms need updating.

  • Vasilis Papamichalis

    Vasilis Papamichalis


    The hotel is located close to the city centre and a walking distance from the mall. The rooms are clean and quite spacious. Staff is very professional and know their job. Couple of bars that serve alcohol and there is a live act if you enjoy latin music but don't expect wild parties here. Perfect for a weekend in Manama

  • en



    I would give the hotel less than 3 stars as I booked 2 rooms one for me and the other for the kids. Actually the hotel didn't give afford extra blankets or mattress.. adding to this the cleanliness of the bathrooms. The crew was very welcoming and the duty manager was very understandable.

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