Romano's Macaroni Grill i Manama

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BahrainRomano's Macaroni Grill



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Shabab Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1750 6070
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Latitude: 26.2114131, Longitude: 50.6088065

kommentar 5

  • Dr. Hani

    Dr. Hani


    It is really the best ITALIAN food in Bahrain. I wish that it maintain this quality for ever ;) well done !

  • ahmed reyadh

    ahmed reyadh


    Food is great. The staff were really friendly. If you have not tried it.. I highly recommend it .. 👌

  • Tonya Tehranie

    Tonya Tehranie


    We went to the Juffair location last night to say farewell to an old friend who was flying out a few hours later. The service was sub-par and the waiter was blithe in his care for me and the other patrons at the table. Purchasing The Entertainer coupon book has been quite unrewarding this year because it seems that whenever we initially make it known that “one Main entree will be free”, overall service goes down; like we are taking money directly from their pockets. It was my first, and last trip here, so I won’t be able to tell if my experience is tainted since I saved money, or if would have been satisfactory based on paying full price, which would have been 32BHD. (We paid 19BHD for two total combined bills and two coupons).

  • Mahmood Kharsy

    Mahmood Kharsy


    Good food, nice service & reasonable price

  • Bofaris M

    Bofaris M


    They use to serve the best Italian food in the island with a unique atmosphere that is still unmatched anywhere.

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