Tomyumkung Thai Restaurant i JUFFAIR

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BahrainTomyumkung Thai Restaurant



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BLOCK 324, ROAD 2426 , BULDG 1567 , 973 MANAMA/ALFATEH، JUFFAIR 341, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1743 0947
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2125655, Longitude: 50.6111239

kommentar 5

  • Nan Blue

    Nan Blue


    อาหารอร่อย สดใหม่ทุกวัน

  • ru

    Андрей Малахов


    Понравилось! Очень чисто и уютно. Хорошее обслуживание, персонал приятный и опрятный. Готовят достаточно быстро, но, конечно, не фаст-фуд. Реально вкусно - я не раз был в Тайланде, поэтому есть с чем сравнивать, вполне сопоставимо по качеству еды с ресторанами Бангкока. Есть одно отличие - в этом ресторане меня впервые услышали - острое, но не сильно)

  • Waleed I. Sarwani

    Waleed I. Sarwani


    A welcome new addition to the food scene in Juffair with some of the best, authentic Thai food you're likely to find anywhere in Bahrain. And as it's located in a quieter, residential neighborhood of Juffair away from all the hustle and bustle, it has a much calmer and more relaxed atmosphere and basically, the patrons that come here have come for the terrific food. The menu is extensive and has all the Thai regulars and often, the owners themselves will take your order and will point out specials and what's good on that day. Some of my favourites include the chicken wrapped in banana leaf, satay and beef with ginger. There is also a selection of sushi and similar Japanese hand rolls although I've haven't tried these yet. And make sure to leave room for dessert becuas the sticky rice puddings are strangely addictive! The service is fast and friendly and genuinely warm and sincere and you're made to feel like family. Great food, great service and great value for money.

  • Joel Stewart

    Joel Stewart


    Clean and friendly with great food! I eat here every week.

  • Charles Bell

    Charles Bell


    Great food! Had the deep fried fish, Thai ice tea and rice. Complementary sushi since they just opened. Go try it out!

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