Isfahani i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4021, Shabab Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
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Latitude: 26.2112387, Longitude: 50.6077283

kommentar 5

  • Waleed I. Sarwani

    Waleed I. Sarwani


    It’s hard to leave this place disappointed or hungry because the food is wholesome, tasty and filling. The menu is the same as the other Isfahani restaurants in Bahrain and the food has a home-cooked feel to it. All the classic Iranian dishes are available consisting of grills with rice or bread, hearty stews (try the “koresht sabzi” - spinach with lamb, “bamiya” - okra) and rice dishes like biryani and roast lamb shank. Fresh bread which is baked in the oven in the dining area itself as well as complimentary soup - always delicious - is served when you order in. If you haven’t tried them before, save space for some of the Iranian desserts with their subtle and fragrant flavors. Parking can be an issue (most of the time) but if you’re willing to walk a bit, you can usually find a spot in some of the surrounding areas. There is seating out on the pavement in front of the place when the weather is nice as well as upstairs.

  • faisal aziz

    faisal aziz


    Took too much time for our order to get ready! Otherwise everything is perfect!

  • Valeed Mulla

    Valeed Mulla


    Good food, have a little dufficulty finding parking

  • en

    Erika Dugar


    I love this food. If you come to Bahrain is a must to go there to enjoy the most delicious food.

  • John W. Snow

    John W. Snow


    Excellent service and food. Try their house tea!! It’s delectable! Best dolma on American Alley!!

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