IHOP i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4021, Shabab Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1710 4693
internet side: alshaya.com
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Latitude: 26.2114399, Longitude: 50.6074882

kommentar 5

  • Thabet Al Qasir

    Thabet Al Qasir


    Very nice staff, beautiful decorations, lovely atmosphere and the food was tasty

  • en

    Macann Fernandes


    Nice atmosphere and the burger was fulfilling and to top it off all you can pour soft drinks!

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    yasir alhusseini


    Well, we have made our self's a promise not to go to Ihop bahrain again. This supervisor Jasmine was really careless about customer satisfaction, she let us leave the restaurant and cancel all orders just because she does not want to change the egg with a hash brown!! In a breakfast sambler order... Cant believe this is an american restaurant.

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    Ali Malik


    Having experienced IHOP in the US, this isn't even acceptable as part of the franchise. Food quality is poor, service is even worse. Strange after taste and having my food swim in a puddle of cooking oil wasn't part of my plan for an early breakfast. The only decent part was the Americano, as it's difficult to screw that up, but if anybody would, it would be IHOP Bahrain. Never again, go Starbucks next door, your be better off.

  • Lee Crow

    Lee Crow


    Coffee is disgusting. It's like drinking burnt dirty poop water. No cream or half and half... Milk only. What kind of American diner is this place? Pancakes are rubbish. They have a strange consistency and zero taste. Come on... Pancake is in the name! The rest of the food is pretty tight. I just can't get past the bad coffee and pancakes. This review is based on several visits since the restaurant opened.

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