Fire Grill i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainFire Grill



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Manama, Baréin
kontakter telefon: +973 3416 2538
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2112856, Longitude: 50.6088735

kommentar 5

  • en

    Latoya Mullings


    Ordered 2 children’s taco meals and 2 burritos. The burritos were cold on arrival and what you get for 1.3 BHD as a kid’s taco meal, tortilla with unidentifiable cheese and some chicken cubes. Very disappointing. The restaurant called after I spoke to Talabat and the rep said if I wanted more things on the tacos I should have ordered from the regular menu. I finally sit down to eat my burrito and it’s chicken. I ordered shrimp. 😡

  • Kenneth Hornfeldt

    Kenneth Hornfeldt


    Delicious and spicy, very affordable.

  • Adel Hameed

    Adel Hameed


    Love the food and the staff, but the staff are sweating because the AC doesn’t reach them. Flies keep buzzing on the food bar. This wasn’t a problem before.

  • en

    Michael Escal


    I love the organic ice tea and their loaded fajitas! Great service and friendly staff.

  • Mark K

    Mark K


    They are very much like Chipotle, even down to the decor as brown bags. They cut up the chicken breast right at the counter. Ingredients were good, but lacked alot of flavor. It's nice to go late but wouldn't recommend for lunch. We were inside for an hour at noon, and not a single person came in to eat. Maybe add some flavor.

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