Ramee International Hotel i Juffair

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainRamee International Hotel



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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Road No-40, Juffair, BH Baréin
kontakter telefon: +973 1772 7230
internet side: www.hotelrameeinternational.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2122972, Longitude: 50.6093349

kommentar 5

  • en

    howard brandon


    Nice Place, not overpriced. Rooms are reasonable but like they are getting somewhat tired. The front desk checkin could be improved. I don't think it works so well. I would stay there again.

  • es



    No parking

  • en

    Employee 78124


    I am here on a business trip and just looking for food, brunch, lunch or anything at this point. The champagne is only by the bottle and it’s over 200 American dollars, so no thank you. group ordered food about an hour ago and we are still waiting. I hope the food is better than the service!

  • Zeeshan Alam

    Zeeshan Alam


    Ramee International is simply a good option in Juffair area of Bahrain. In Bahrain there are two hotels of Ramee group , Ramee International is one of them and is a four star hotel other one is five star hotel. Ramee International is having facilities like whole day dining restaurant and swimming pool. The staff is really good and very punctual & dedicated towards their duties. Ramee international is near to Lulu mall of Juffair. The hotel is surrounded by the hotels and super market.

  • Marcelino Freixas

    Marcelino Freixas


    La HISTORIA del .... RAMEE International Bahrain . La AMISTAD y el buen SABOR siempre perdura en el TIEMPO gracias marcel

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