Ramee California Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainRamee California Hotel


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Avenue 22, 11538, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1782 6007
internet side: www.rameehotels.com
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Latitude: 26.2167695, Longitude: 50.6106738

kommentar 5

  • jamaica urbina

    jamaica urbina


    We've been a regular guest for more than 2 years in ramee palace hotel and first time here in ramee califonia, a friend of mine said he doesnt like the place. And now we know why. And as early as 7 am theres construction drilling somewhere in the hotel,that can wake all the guest. Called the reception and did nothing. The swimming pool area has no light the whole room. Breakfast is 👎👎👎👎👎👎 hope they improve as well there services. As I'm editing my review on you RAMEE CALIFORNIA, YOU HAVE A THEFT STAFFS THERE! CHARGING US 3 TIMES ON A TWO NIGHTS STAY?!! WOW UNBELIEVABLE. SO PEOPLE SHOULD BE CAREFUL WHEN THEY'RE PAYING BY THEIR CC. GOOD THING WE CHECKED THE BANK STATEMENTS AND WE SAW YOU CHARGE 3 FREAKING TIMES, GOT ON DIFFERENT DAYS, WOW, THATS SCARY AND HORRIBLE. WE WILL NEVER BE BACK THERE AND IF YOU GUYS DIDNT DO THE REFUND, WE WILL BE FILING A CASE. I HOPE THERES NO OTHER THAN US THAT EXPERIENCE THIS. IF THERE'S OTHER, PLEASE LET ME knoW WHAT HAPPENED.

  • waves of memory

    waves of memory


    Love this place specially Buffalo. Clean place no hookers. Or escort but bunch of Indians more than Americans and a lot of Saudis. But all over good place with good food.

  • el mustapha ben bihi

    el mustapha ben bihi


    The best party I've ever have in Bharin so far was tonight at this hotel. I enjoyed the Rock and Roll show and podcasted some live videos available on my youtube channel.

  • en

    P B Pereira


    Room service was good and usually prompt. Hotel room are dated, bathroom had areas with mould. Hot water takes good 10 -15 mins to arrive, worst I have seen so far. Breakfast is limited and not good value. I had extended my stay with another website and prepaid, but I checked out a day earlier, front desk guy advised me to contact the booking site, when I contacted them, they spoke to the hotel and were told I checked out a day later. When i provided evidence of my exit stamp from the country, they changed the story saying i did not inform them about my checkout, which is completely false and dishonest, I will not be using Ramee again.

  • Gregg Stevens

    Gregg Stevens


    The staff and different venues at the hotel are terrific. Place is a little dated but spacious and clean rooms.

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