The Juffair Grand Hotel i Manama

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BahrainThe Juffair Grand Hotel



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Road No 4015, Building 676 Block 340, Manama 340, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1782 7600
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2129206, Longitude: 50.605266

kommentar 5

  • en

    Imran Mahmood


    A great friendly place to stay offering a variety of rooms as per your demand. Curtious and friendly front desk staff and manager. The hotel has bars and clubs which are fully occupied on weekends. Many foreigners prefer to stay in this hotel. Hotel has almost all facilities which a visitor needs. My stays at the hotel were always good. Never had any complains. Always found the Rooms neat, clean and well arranged. However wall mounted TV sets are old and do not support USBs or HDMI cables.

  • en

    Adrian Sawdon


    Good rooms & no issues with the staff. Perhaps a little updating but great location

  • en

    Nomaan Akram


    The best in town. Everything you will need would be nearby this place. They have 3 clubs in the hotel. Food is good with a very good service

  • Maza 13

    Maza 13


    This hotel is in a good location, a 3 minute walk from a Mega Mart and a 5 minute walk from many restaurants. Not that you really need to leave the hotel as they have many food options in house. Check in was quick and painless, great staff. They were very courteous and friendly. The room I rented was very spacious although it wasn't a suite, it had a king size bed and was set up in a way that it could be used by a businessman as it also had a desk. The TV was a 32" and it had a variety of channels available, with many being in English but most being local. The room was clean as was the bathroom, with the exception of the shower, it was not very clean (2 out of 5). I neglected to mention it at checkout because there was another guest screaming about an issue he was having with his bill and I was distracted. Overall it was a pleasant stay, I would consider using it again if I plan on going back to Bahrain.

  • Can Bilsev

    Can Bilsev


    The location is top notch for party folks. In the house they have WRANGLER (black music) with outstanding security and very professional management, BUSTERS (mixed music) with very friendly service, CLOUD9 and Champs where you can eat and drink...even after 2am. The hotel staff is friendly and very helpfully on all your needs. Reception is fast and effective and work out every problem to your satisfaction. America-street is just one minute across the corner with all kind of restaurants. From me: 5/5

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