Elite Royale i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainElite Royale



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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Building 499, Road No 2408, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1781 4814
internet side: www.elitegrouphotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.219658, Longitude: 50.6077189

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abdullah Assiri


    its pricey for the quality and service provided. Also, there is no restaurants around and vacant parking is an issue

  • Samaher Anber

    Samaher Anber


    Been there last year the service was amazing even the front desk stuff was very very nice Now while I am writing my review everything is awful they need to be clean with trained stuff in the front desk. I am so sorry for staying in this suit this time

  • en

    Oz Oz


    This should be a 5 star without a shadow of a doubt. Amazing rooms and amazing bathrooms. We got a whole apartment and there was 3 of us for quite cheap. They have a nice gym upstairs and the pool sits on the roof top. You will be quite high when you get up there. Staff were fairly friendly and there is a private car park for you. I will definitely come here to stay if I came back. Everything is lovely here. Quality.

  • Martin Rod

    Martin Rod


    Rooms are big and well equipped. The pool and the barbeque area aslo very enjoyable

  • Jimmy Boy

    Jimmy Boy


    Not recommend. Rooms not clean. Some essential room items missing. Poor customer service.

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