Best Western Plus The Olive. Juffair i Manama

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BahrainBest Western Plus The Olive. Juffair



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Road No 2408, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1721 1133
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2194681, Longitude: 50.6061566

kommentar 5

  • Pauline Keogh

    Pauline Keogh


    Amazing food, service and attention to detail. We couldn’t have asked for more nothing was too much trouble. Out thanks to Jude Fernandes whose assistance before, during and after the event on each day meant everyone was more than happy. When the guests are coming and telling you how good the food and service is you know you have chosen the right group. Pauline Keogh, Director, BRITMUN British School of Bahrain.

  • Hamad Alonazi

    Hamad Alonazi


    The hotel is not well taking care. First, the parking lot full of sands and smells spices . My room was full of dust and wasn't happy with the breakfast at all,,, I ordered omelette and it was over cooked,, last but not least,,, I stayed in the sixth floor and I can hear people were talking,, I believe the main problem comes from poor isolation system the hotel has. I totally not recommend this hotel.

  • Christopher O'Mahony

    Christopher O'Mahony


    The new Italian restaurant on the ground floor is a great addition to the hotel. Other highlights include good location, great staff, nice rooms and great parking.

  • K S

    K S


    Don't stay here. Especially if you are a lone women. Creepy guys stalk the lounge and would follow my friends and I into the elevators. Overall cleanliness is really poor. The interior finishings are extremely shoddy construction and there is an apparent smell of mildew everywhere. Breakfast is NOT free and NOT good. No one uses the pool and therefore they don't upkeep it at all. At least they warn you in your room pamphlet that the tap water is unfit for drinking...but after you drink your complimentary 24 ounces of bottled water you will be charged any additional water to the room. The wifi is also extremely poor. We couldn't sleep all night from the sounds of honking cars and garbage trucks for an hour, that sounded like it was outside our room it was so loud even though we were on the top floor. I will never stay here again and I would never recommend to a friend.

  • surej r

    surej r


    Neat and tidy rooms with private bathrooms. They also serve a good complimentary breakfast. Pick up and drop off at Airport was part of the package..

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