Old Beams i Manama

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BahrainOld Beams



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 7970
internet side: www.oldbeamsrestaurant.com
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Latitude: 26.212419, Longitude: 50.5871306

kommentar 5

  • Frame Edge

    Frame Edge


    The best ambiance inside. Great place to eat and drink. Quite and different. Started a new hall with big projector screen for watching work cups which is superb.... 👍

  • en

    Sudarshan Thottumkara


    Nice place. Old world charm. Good food and economical pricing. Needs to improve service staff. Good variety of beverages available. No Manager or management representatives were visible around. No feed back taken. Nice quality of Indian Bread Naan. Some food were served cold. Waitress needs to improve on communication and should be more polite. Large screen with football match were played. Many private dining places available to choose. Keep it up. Scope for slight improvements.

  • samir sami

    samir sami


    interesting English pub style decore.. good atmosphere. Good value food and beverage prices. Good causal meating place. smoking and non smoking areas.

  • Haizam Hamza

    Haizam Hamza


    If your mentality when going to Bahrain is to have few drinks and just enjoy some time with friends I would definitely suggest this place.. it has a great ambience and is spread in 3 floors... the 3rd floor is my personal favourite... order whatever you want in terms of drinks and food... then site back and enjoy

  • sabarish chakkath

    sabarish chakkath


    Best place to hangout. Such an ambience . Kind and ever helping staff . Good food. Do try the sausages. Value for money.

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