Han Kook Kwan i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainHan Kook Kwan



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Michael Chettiar (Sales Building 740, Road No 2412, Block 324 Grand Safir Hotel, Juffair Manama BH، Manama 324, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3363 6703
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Latitude: 26.2184942, Longitude: 50.6050873

kommentar 5

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    Bader Kooheji


    Very overpriced for food that is not good

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    jt Last


    Very nice authentic Korean food. Kimchee assortment could have been better but the portions were fair sized and well worth the cost.

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    Saad Khan Malik


    The food was so tasty, I forgot to take pictures... I'm definitely coming back for more Kimchi and beef belly! Loved it!

  • Bryan Kelly

    Bryan Kelly


    Great tasting Korean food at a good price. Staff is friendly and not over bearing with attention. When they have kirin on draft it's always a good time. Multiple grills built into the tables and karaoke rooms allow for you to enjoy the barbecue experience everywhere.

  • sathurjan rij

    sathurjan rij


    i go here almost 2-3 times a month id say, its a good place, there's not a lot in their menu options like the other Korean restaurants in Bahrain but its not bad... if you live in juffair area, this is the best one there

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