Yard House Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainYard House Bahrain



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bldg :879 ,Road :2414, Block :324, Manama 324, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3625 5195
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Latitude: 26.219823, Longitude: 50.604892

kommentar 5

  • RA Cabrales

    RA Cabrales


    Horrible service. Food was ok and took a long time to arrive. The menu was not as extensive as the Yardhouse in the U.S. This location is smaller than most Yardhouse's I've been to, probably due to it being on a hotel. 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

  • rockusmike



    Service is cool, its interior design is good aswell, it has this modern look to it in ur modern texas mex restaurant, friendly people in aswell.

  • Albert Johns

    Albert Johns


    So this is a franchise of an American chain. Located at one of the best locations in Bahrain, they offer really good space, ambiance and food. Pretty expensive but hey, they have Hoegaarden! Love the place and Hoegaarden.

  • en

    Bryan Hanna


    Reasonable place to grab a drink and a bite to eat. Pork is on the menu which is nice. Half of the drinks aren't in stock though and the music is way loud. Also have to get used to indoor smoking everywhere in Bahrain.

  • en

    Rich Shillington


    The wings were good and the beer was big. Being a non-smoker it's a bit hard to handle the smell of cigarettes. This is the Middle East though, so the chance of finding a smoke free place is slim.

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