JJ's Irish Restaurant i Manama

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BahrainJJ's Irish Restaurant



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Road No 1807, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3384 3005
internet side: www.jjsirishrestaurant.com
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Latitude: 26.2193266, Longitude: 50.588758

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eve Lab


    Went their on my off day.. First time gone to a bar in Bahrain.Reminds me of my hometown Seychelles.. Lovely place, the waitress so nice and the guys at the door...sooooo welcoming. Definitly going back again for my next off 👌👌

  • en

    Hanno Luukas


    Otherwise like others irish pubs, but I imposed to a smart robbery. Talking just opposite to barmen within a small company of other guests I was handing over a 20 BD note for half litre glass, proceeding meanwhile communication process with our company. The barman after 5 minutes returned beer and - only - 2 BD. My protests, of course, have ignored. "It is dark here, you did not notice. The 20 and 5 BD notes resemble to each other..". Such a folks, folks. Never nowhere happened alike nor have I heard.

  • saurabh wankhade

    saurabh wankhade


    This place has a nice vibe.. full of energy. Guinness here tastes amazing along with some nice bar snacks.

  • Dr.Sharath Chandran

    Dr.Sharath Chandran


    Had a good time, nice bar and good food. The guys at the bar too were friendly. Not a loud music. Will definitely recommend. I went there on a weekday, so no karaoke or live music. Wasn't crowded either.

  • Abdulrahman Almokla

    Abdulrahman Almokla


    One of the few places that remained the same after so many years in business It's a good destination for a quick drink and on certain nights for a really good night out depending on what they have on the night Karaoke night is hilarious and so much fun. It's been years since I've gone to their karaoke night but I'm sure it's still just as fun The food is not bad at all and their prices are good Highly recommended

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