Upstairs Downstairs Restaurant i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainUpstairs Downstairs Restaurant



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Building 754, Road 3825, Block 338, Adliya, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 3093
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2133563, Longitude: 50.5916367

kommentar 5

  • Dot



    Crab cakes were actually tuna fish. Prices are very expensive and the food is nothing terribly special. The interior is cute and the staff are great, but there are much better options in Adliya.

  • agithcumar cananathan

    agithcumar cananathan


    One of the leading restaurant in town since 1977. Winner of 25 awards. Upstairs and downstairs restaurant is my favorite because of its outstanding menus and great food. Not only food and service but also best wine and cocktails for a very reasonable price in town. I recommend upstairs and downstairs restaurant for all the food lovers. I sure you will fall in love with this place.

  • Saad Alsheddi

    Saad Alsheddi


    One of the best seafood resturants .. lovely atmosphere .. recomended for couples or adult groups .. smoking allowed in the resturant .. calimari is amaizing

  • en

    Biljana Davcheva


    An upscale restaurant in the heart of Adliya....interesting menu...the quinoa salad and the fish and chips are to die for...nice to visit during the weekends it tends to get crowded....different musicians play most nights....if you want a cozy dinner in a tucked away corner, this is the place to go

  • Teneisha Ball

    Teneisha Ball


    Great restaurant great food lovely atmosphere. And some days/nights they will have a live band or singer. Love this place

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