Nu asia i Manama

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BahrainNu asia



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1743 4344
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Latitude: 26.2112615, Longitude: 50.6078443

kommentar 5

  • Ameena Alhallay

    Ameena Alhallay


    Delicious Asian food.. Alot of varieties.. But they treat the sushi as starter... I think better to be as a main course..

  • en

    Gus Cunningham III


    Nice quiet restaurant on American Alley. Menu is tremendous! Lamb chops were perfectly cooked! Very affordable price! A must visit if you are in Manama!

  • Guido Hoogslag

    Guido Hoogslag


    Comfortable seating, great service, nice atmosphere but the food! They have actual Indian, Thai and Japanse cuisine! I only had time to try a few of the Indian curries and a lot of sushi, but everything I tried was just amazing! 10/10 would curry again!

  • Viktoriia Rodak

    Viktoriia Rodak


    Nice authentic place. Little bit needs to be renovated but in general it gives you a nice experience. Food is delicious but since it's Asian&Indian cousin, it is difficult to find not spicy food.

  • Mark Korb

    Mark Korb


    Amazing Indian food here. The staff was so friendly and checked on us multiple times. Lots of food came for the price, and an even better price using a coupon. There was nothing here I was unhappy about. The decor is bland, the seating is upstairs and the food and service was amazing. I am coming back for sure!!

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