MegaMart Segaya i Manama

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BahrainMegaMart Segaya



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 6310
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Latitude: 26.2132068, Longitude: 50.5779742

kommentar 5

  • Mitul Chothani

    Mitul Chothani


    Nice and Tidy Supermarket. This MegaMart is not as big as nearby Lulu Zinj however you can get some great bargain offers - mainly on juices, ice creams, canned foods, Indian snack items, dry fruits & nuts etc. You can get latest offers by downloading their app D4D. Also see the photo attached for Contact Details of their different Bahrain branches. They do have small section for Indian Chat (including Vada Pav) take away. Bakery items are tasty. Tesco products are available here if you fancy buying any of it. Ample parking available at basement. Max Fashion, Splash, Dollar Plus, Costa Coffee and few restaurants are within same shopping mall. First floor of shopping complex has some decent size area for Kids Play and Games. Kids love visiting this place. MegaMart accept the payment with bWallet app. There is some cash back (I think upto 5%) for monthly spend above BHD 50. Some times queues at Cash Counter can be slow :-) (If you like the review please like it, it helps to write more such reviews, it takes just one Click to like the review:) )

  • Sunil Madathil

    Sunil Madathil


    Megamart segaya is inside the segaya mall. Ideally located near salmaniya hospital, mahoos and zinj area.The Quality of fresh fruits , vegetables, butchery and bakery items. are different from other supermarket, they maintain a superior quality.. Staff seems to be Very helpful and cooperative . Clean and open space to move around quick entry and exit. Ample parking space at basement or at the front of the mall.

  • Valeed Mulla

    Valeed Mulla


    Megamart segaya is located in segaya mall. Ideally located near salmaniya hospital, mahoos and zinj area. What i like about megamart is the Quality of fresh fruits , vegetables, butchery and bakery items. Very helpful staff. Clean and open space to move around quick entry and exit. Ample parking space at basement or at the front of the mall.

  • Saswati Borah

    Saswati Borah


    This MegaMart branch has Tesco products which are very good. Though not very large, the branch has all basic household and food items.

  • en

    Saad Aziz


    Spacious convenience store with all essentials. Nice location too. Not very crowded, fresh produce on offer and helpful staff. Good shopping experience for groceries.

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