Lulu Hypermarket Zinj i Manama

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BahrainLulu Hypermarket Zinj



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Abdulrahman Jassim Kanoo Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1717 2727
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2044123, Longitude: 50.5725435

kommentar 5

  • Adil Yousuf Butt

    Adil Yousuf Butt


    The place is cramped. Has only the basic groceries (unlike the fruit, cheese and salad bar in the Juffair Lulu).

  • en

    Nicole Silva


    Not sure how much I enjoy an HR tell me that they only hire Keralites for positions at Lulu. Where I come from, we give equal opportunities for everyone. If it wasn't for the fact that they are in Bahrain, I'm certain they wouldn't have even hired locals. It disgusts me that we are living in a society that still prefers race over qualifications and that too openly. If you want to truly be a global brand, be open to the idea that all Indians are the same and must deserve the same opportunities. Adding to my many woes with the place, I've come home to find perfectly within the use by date products, do have rotten / grow fungus.

  • Ali Al-Mahmood

    Ali Al-Mahmood


    This Hypermarket is a very famous in Bahrain it's a very big you can find whatever you want you can find all types of food grocery beef chicken fresh Bakery also also you can find electronic products home products whatever you want very good price the very big hypermarkets I always going there to shopping with my family

  • Wajieda Ahmed

    Wajieda Ahmed


    The store is always neat and clean. Staff are professional and helpful. Fruit is always of good quality and fresh. I find lulu to be cheaper than other supermarkets in Bahrain. I've found the exact same products with a huge price difference.

  • en

    Heba Joan Barnes


    This is one of the Nicest Supermarket chains I've ever been to! Great customer service and will help find items your looking for! They even have Agar-Agar! Brags ACV, Old-fashioned Oats(several brands) and a great Kitchen-Items assortment of the latest versions*... I'll go back ALWAYS!!!

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