Al Jazira Supermarket i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Jazira Supermarket



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Manama, Baréin
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 4914
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Latitude: 26.2146969, Longitude: 50.587728

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eman Al Aradi


    Although quite expensive, they have almost every product I'm looking for. Loads of imported great goods. If you are looking for cheap or inexpensive items don't come here, but if you are looking for unique items here's the place to look for it.

  • Mustafa Nasser

    Mustafa Nasser


    I got a mozerilla cheese from the deli section to find out that it is ROTTEN at home. What is the point of deli section if your stuff are rotten. 👎👎👎👎

  • Kenneth Russel

    Kenneth Russel


    Very good supermarket. Everything is available for a reasonable price. Especially love the Beef Jerky sold here.

  • en

    Garry Sablay


    Good variety of fresh fruits n vegs bread always freshly bake

  • Jaina Mistry

    Jaina Mistry


    Surprisingly huge array of goods despite the small size of this branch of Al Jazira. The fresh produce section is small and often not as fresh as other branches. Good for quick shops, but parking can sometimes be tricky.

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