Juffair Gate Hotel i المنامة

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainJuffair Gate Hotel



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340، المنامة، Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 6222
internet side: juffair-gate-hotel.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2134603, Longitude: 50.6045482

kommentar 5

  • Asif Ashraf

    Asif Ashraf


    Good hotel but food is not all that

  • Wynand Scholtz

    Wynand Scholtz


    Good value for money. Walking distance to clubs & "American alley". Rooms are clean and staff is friendly.




    The staff is ok nice. I had knocking on my door at all times of the night. When I would complain at the front desk they would look the other way. The noise was bad on the weekends. The closet they call a gym is a joke and the ladies that work in the spa have their phones charging on all the 3 pieces of equipment. No real refrigerator. I would not stay again or will not recommend. I was there for 2 months. Good Luck if you stay .

  • Scott Donald

    Scott Donald


    Nice clean modern rooms. The staff were friendly and helpful. The only issue was the noise from the club that we could here even from the 13th floor.

  • Valentina Acuña

    Valentina Acuña


    The hotel is not the newest but it’s a great hotel! I enjoyed my time here. Employes were kind and friendly. The hotel is located close to supermarket and many good restaurants. If you are looking for something affordable close to many places this is your hotel.

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