The Palace Boutique Hotel i Manama

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BahrainThe Palace Boutique Hotel



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Bld#404, Road#382, Block#338, Adliya Manama BH 338، Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1772 5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2081422, Longitude: 50.595643

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martina Treacy


    Can only describe my experience as just magical. Stayed here with my friends over weekend as early birthday celebrations. Checked into room to find a delicious chocolate birthday cake and a stunning bunch of red roses.. The warm welcome and personal touch provided by Ciaran and his staff is just so fabulous. They organised a complimentary taxi to our restaurant for our meal and the breakfast the next morning was very tasty.. The pool is spotless and the sun loungers are so comfy, literally felt like being tucked into bed.. This is not my first time staying at this hotel and each stay just gets better. Looking forward to our next stay in June. Thanks again to all the team at this wonderful hotel. Best regards Martina chocolate

  • Amal Vijayan

    Amal Vijayan


    Flanked by palm trees and set in a striking, low-rise modern building, this elegant hotel is 15 km from Bahrain International Airport, and 11 km from both the Bahrain Mall and the 15th-century Arad Fort. Cozy rooms feature minimalist decor, refined furnishings and sleek bathrooms with designer toiletries. All have free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs. Upgraded rooms add terraces with pool views. There's a genteel tearoom and patisserie, an English pub, and a chic fine-dining restaurant serving South European cuisine. Other amenities include an outdoor pool and a gym. Parking is available and an airport shuttle, buffet breakfast and afternoon tea are free.

  • en

    Nicole Silva


    They seem to have come a long way since the 90s. Sprucing up the space is exactly what has added value to The palace. Great job guys!

  • Ahmed AlQasim

    Ahmed AlQasim


    Very cosy boutique hotel with some of the best outlets in Bahrain. Rooms are quite nice after the most recent renovation. Staff are very friendly, welcoming, and helpful.

  • en

    A Sabbagh


    A fabulous hotel! Rooms are spacious with very comfortable beds. Very clean and well decorated. It’s quite small - only 20 rooms. It has a nice bar and a swimming pool. The rooms over looking the street will be quite noisy because of the AC units, better to stay on the other side. Breakfast area is cool with an outside terrace, and the food was great. One problem is for smokers; it’s a NON-SMOKING HOTEL! In the same area you’ll find 2 amazing restaurants; Masso and Orangery, must try.

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