Healthy Calorie i Manama

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BahrainHealthy Calorie



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 9399
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Latitude: 26.211419, Longitude: 50.607248

kommentar 5

  • Poor Man

    Poor Man


    I feel proud about Healthy calorie

  • en

    Khalid .A


    Although the word "healthy" within its name, the outdoor seating area has no clear "non smoking" policy. I would rather describe the taste of food as genuin, as you can feel that no sugar, salt or MSGs are added, which is absolutely great, however that is not best option for the food tasters. It is just another restaurant that mention the number of calories for each dish on their menu, which not necessarily right. The seatings are very limited, and service is average most of the time, however it may drop down below average sometimes.

  • isa jasim

    isa jasim


    Very nice healthy tastey food. Needs to open a branch in MUHARRAq to facilitate home delivery. Now they don't make home delivery unless your order is 10 BD or above if you are from MUHARRAq

  • Bali



    The concept is amazing, the staff is friendly and the food is great. You will find all the calorie crazy maniacs heading for Healthy calorie. Try the Sandwiches which are absolutely amazing. If you are in mood for some indian food then look no further, healthy calorie offers tandori tikka rice as well ( it doesn't tastes that much great though). Solves your hunger but not your appetite.

  • nasser nasser

    nasser nasser


    Not really good It has nothing Healthy absolutely . I don’t really recommend this place as a healthy food. It is just fast food with high price.

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