Crystal Palace Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCrystal Palace Hotel


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Road 2414, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 0077
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Latitude: 26.2213677, Longitude: 50.6090301

kommentar 5

  • Hytham Aly

    Hytham Aly


    Good place to spend 1 or 2 days of your vacation

  • Yasska Kaan

    Yasska Kaan


    This is one the best hotel I ever seen in Bahrain They treated me like baby. I would like to waste my money on this fabulous and wonderful hotel

  • Ambassador to the United States

    Ambassador to the United States


    The Bartenders and Band are awesome plus they have MILLER LITE not many places have FRESH Beer!!!!

  • Mohamed Ramadan

    Mohamed Ramadan


    According to money paid is nice , reception staff is ok ..VIP barrel is nice in the 4th floor Chinee in barrel is very nice and helpful

  • en

    Joshua Barrington


    It was ok. Price was fine and location decent. Rooms were clean. It’s just that you will have to listen to either a Russian disco until 5am or the live bar music downstairs until 2am

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