Burrito Loco i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBurrito Loco



🕗 åbningstider

Shabab Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 2979
internet side: www.burritolocome.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2116818, Longitude: 50.6090261

kommentar 5

  • Ali Dakwar

    Ali Dakwar


    Amazing food. A little high priced and portions are small.

  • Saud Buqais

    Saud Buqais


    Pretty tasty. It was my first Burrito and I enjoyed it

  • rami aljbour

    rami aljbour


    We ordered delivery of two burritos, churos, and a rice bowl. Paid BD12.8 to include delivery. The taste of the food was acceptable. The problem was in the packaging. The burritos were wraped by cheap Alluminum foil. The rice bowl was placed in a non-food proof package and that caused the box to be oily out and in... see the photos. For such a price we were expecting better packaging and better real mexican flavored food. I am surprised how this un-healthy packaging is approved by the Ministry of Health!!!... not adviced for delivery and I dont think we will order again.

  • en

    Karen Lundy


    Rice bowl was okay. Needs more cilantro and spices.

  • armhel echano

    armhel echano


    Taste that You can't resist 👌 A place where you can find awesome food and great service as well.

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