Wyndham Grand Manama i Manama

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BahrainWyndham Grand Manama



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Søndagåben 24 timer
Mandagåben 24 timer
Tirsdagåben 24 timer
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Torsdagåben 24 timer
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Building 450; Road 4611; Manama Seafront 346; Bahrain Bay, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1711 6116
internet side: www.wyndhamgrandmanama.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2465451, Longitude: 50.5772814

kommentar 5

  • en

    Arun Murria


    Incredible hotel, this is my second time staying here and it honestly feels like a home away from home. All the staff from reception, to concierge, to managers etc are really warm and treat you like family. Special mention to Anthony and Francis!! Best concierge team I have ever come across!!! Thank you!!! Arun

  • en

    Athan de Jesus


    Nice room and ambiance. Good facilities (gym and pool). Staff always smile. ❤👏👍

  • en

    Afnan Alhaddad


    the labeling of the floors are all wrong, there are no directional signs you have to guess where to go when you get off the elevator. the air conditioning is terribly hot and it's Bahrain you need it to work. room service is incredibly over priced and I dare say not worth it. Side note it's a dry hotel But generally spacious rooms, the staff are kind and helpful, excellent location, the design is interesting

  • hassan maskati

    hassan maskati


    Went there once in the 50th floor which had a nice view of the kingdom. However, the air conditioning was not as expected. The parking lot was big. The service is good. I would say that it is still a work in progress and they can and will get better. The best thing about that place is the location which has access to all the landmarks and major malls near by.

  • Abdulrahman Al Afalig

    Abdulrahman Al Afalig


    Rooms are not sound-proof, so if you get noisy neighbors it can be a problem at night. Other than that, all is excellent l. Very good spacious rooms, convenient sofa and couch, comfortable bed and pillows, clean and glowing. Location is excellent as well. I just wonderd whether they have sound proofing, because there people laughing out loud in the room next to me and it was annoying, thank God it didn't take all night otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep. But I can say it is an isolated incident (I get these neighbors in almost every other hotel I stay in unfortunately) By the way it is a smart hotel with electronic control panels in room.

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