Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainFour Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay



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Bahrain Bay, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1711 5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.247198, Longitude: 50.5819009

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Najjar

    Ahmed Najjar


    So far my best hotel stay. Truly pricy but it was worth it especially if do not travel a lot and you do some saving for your travels. The people were extra polite and supporting. You are always treated like a VIP GUEST.

  • en

    Danah Alruwaii


    Beautiful hotel, service isn’t too great. Valet was too busy to take our car.. reception looked like a zoo, have to wait an hour to get to reception and longer if your room isn’t ready. Pool area would be amazing without all the forklifts and construction they have going on as a view.. hard to relax. Spa is a 10/10

  • Alya Lootah

    Alya Lootah


    Lovely service, staff were very friendly, room was large and comfortable, everything was perfect and spa was the best! Can’t wait to come back. Went for dinner at Re/Asian Cuisine for best Asian cuisine I had ever eaten! And the mushroom soup in the lobby lounge is totally instagram-able

  • en

    zina malas


    One of the nicest hotels I’ve stayed in. Spacious and luxurious rooms - attentive staff - I stayed with my 2 children and we found a bath kit and slippers for children and they even provided us with a baby tub without even having to ask for it. The kids club was a blessing to have and the restaurants were all delicious. Both Cut and Re/Asian are Wolfgang puck restaurants. They are still building their beach area but the pool area was amazing and they even had extra flotation devices. Everything about this hotel screams grand and luxurious. The gym is also very well equipped with a mixed gym and a ladies gym also available.

  • Florina Gerber

    Florina Gerber


    Absolute luxury! Have had so many good times at the Four Seasons. From the Friday brunch to all the special dinners at the various restaurants each one a masterpiece. Very friendly reception and staff eager to look after your every need. Beautiful and spacious rooms, tastefully decorated and views to die for. So many interesting areas to sit back and relax, artfully decorated and attention to detail. Our favourite CUT by Wolfgang Puck!

nærmeste Spa

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