The Domain Hotel and Spa i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainThe Domain Hotel and Spa



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365, Road Number 1705, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1600 0000
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Latitude: 26.2404304, Longitude: 50.5906539

kommentar 5

  • en

    shrooq mujarbi


    I loved the hotel , I booked the premium room and it exceeded my expectations, every thing is very close definitely will come back again

  • en

    Mahmood Ali


    A real 5 star hotel with an amazing service and great food. Everything about this hotel is great and you do feel you are staying at a 5 star hotel

  • Tessa Vale

    Tessa Vale


    Amazingly comfortable rooms. Spacious, quiet, fab views, great bed and amazing pillows. Lovely shower. V friendly and professional staff. The breakfast is amazing. As was the food at Le Sauvage. Would definitely stay again. Wish there was an outdoor pool though the pool there was perfectly nice if small.

  • The Mighty Tree

    The Mighty Tree


    I have eaten here many times with friends and corporate clients as it does not fail on two solid factors - Service & quality. With very informative, helpful staff I found my experience at the beautiful Domain incredible and set a new standard. The views from the Skybar are superb, I would highly recommend visiting around sunset time to catch a beautiful perspective of Bahrains views while enjoying a tasty cocktail. If you are dining in the Steak restaurant I would highly recommend the Ribs you have an appetite for them as they are simply out of this world (fall off the bone and full of flavour). The fillet steak is also packed with flavour and has a texture similar to butter when cooked medium rare. On a plus, I met my better half here so I will always be returning to The Domain when back in Bahrain as it does have an eye for bringing people together. Thank you Domain and Frank Norman for the incredible experiences at such a beautiful hotel.

  • en

    Danah Jaber


    We had a wonderful time at this hotel. Staff and service was great! I am truly happy with how flexible this hotel is as well as the incredible service. We will definitely be coming back to this hotel! Just AMAZING! Thank you! Such a wonderful experience . Well done!

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