Swiss International Palace Hotel Manama i Manama

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BahrainSwiss International Palace Hotel Manama



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321, Building 242, 333 Gudaibiya Avenue, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1729 6660
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Latitude: 26.2270696, Longitude: 50.5896089

kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Alshalawi

    Mohammed Alshalawi


    It's an average hotel the prices are great the staff needs more training the location very busy the rooms clean and tidy but not that luxurious we have great restaurants and salon and nice parking space 10 minutes drive to City Centre Mall and the avenues

  • Adam K

    Adam K


    I feel regret to be arrogant when I checked in at the hotel, as for the delay in airport pick-up but they had a reasonable issue. To be honest, this hotel should be under 5 star one. The staff are very friendly, cooperative and very professional. There is nothing I didn't like about the hotel at all. My room was fantastic, very clean and well equipped not like other hotels. The breakfast was really good and I like the spa center they have. For the night club, it's acceptal but all ladies there are from Morocco. The lady in the afternoon shift is very nice as well Mohammed the Pakistani guy. They are very generous and quick responder. I'd recommend the hotel for singles and families, especially it's surrounded by various shope and you can walk evening time along the street. It's very safe area and all people working there would love to help you anytime. Congratulations for the management of the hotel and again I am really sorry for bad temper and at the beginning. All the best guys :)

  • Anoop Mamachan

    Anoop Mamachan


    Awesome ambience, have variety of food choices, along with live music, must try their fish sizzler..its yummy

  • Simon Wright

    Simon Wright


    On first impressions this hotel appears fine. The staff are very friendly and efficient, the rooms are spacious and quite well appointed, and it has good facilities. However, the reason I can only give it three stars is the ridiculously noisy nightclub located in the building. All evening until the small hours you hear a constant racket in your room - not good for businessmen working in their rooms or people who need to get up early in the morning. Eating-wise, I tried two of the restaurants and both were perfectly acceptable although the live band in the Indian restaurant was too loud and got rather irritating quite quickly.

  • Sania Younus

    Sania Younus


    The room: The hotel is nice. It's living up to the mark it has earned that is 4 stars. What you have to bear while at your stay is the club noise at the night. Which will be there regardless of the floor or room you're living in. So if you can't sleep in even the slightest of noise then don't book this place. Other than that the rooms are nice, cozy and well maintained. Food: the breakfast buffet is SPLENDID!! the variety, the taste, and the service everything is commendable. But the lunch or dinner isn't advisable here. The Swiss cafe is good for brunch. Akbar restaurant is also good. Ambience and staff: ambience is quite nice, peaceful and clean. The staff is friendly and helpful in every possible way.

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