Vox cinema i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainVox cinema



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 6674 8397
internet side: bhr.voxcinemas.com
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Latitude: 26.2483202, Longitude: 50.5860694

kommentar 5

  • Aisha Khalid

    Aisha Khalid


    It's a good cinema with lots of facilities and we used to go there.

  • Bryan Kelly

    Bryan Kelly


    Although the price is steep for a movie ticket the experience cannot be beat. Comfy seats, great service, but have to order from their menu. Not an every movie event but a must for big hits.

  • Blake McFersson

    Blake McFersson


    Sound & screen were great but there was a very strong and weird smell inside cinema 6, might be from the leather seats. I went for the VIP seats in that hall, they were quite comfortable, had cup holders and small table between seats.

  • Badawy Photos

    Badawy Photos


    Really nice place for watching a movie. Clean and cosy. The only drawback is the hard parking

  • en

    Ali Alkhateeb


    They've named the cinema "MAX" and charged a higher price in an effort to trick people into thinking it's an IMAX theatre which it isn't. Just a big screen. Not entirely bad but I don't appreciate the underhanded naming

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