Cineco i Riffa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Riffa, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1725 8900
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Latitude: 26.1363108, Longitude: 50.5194903

kommentar 5

  • en

    Haman Aziz


    The increased the price of the tickets,beside that good movie theator

  • Mohammad Majid Siddiqui

    Mohammad Majid Siddiqui


    The seating is really good. Guess that is all that matters.

  • Munther Sowaileh

    Munther Sowaileh


    Great choice for a night out. Tend to be very busy during the weekends, so try to book in advance to avoid disappointment. There is an option to book online. Cinema food is very expensive especially for a family with kids. Film choices are good. I wish they can do something about people who talk during the movie. One time I had a group of kids that kept at it and spoiled my experience. It is a must if you are a Saudi visiting Bahrain. If you don't like big crowds try Wadi alseel cinema.

  • Maryam Mohammed

    Maryam Mohammed


    Really good and new cinema, I like going here. I hate that many people go there and it can be crowded especially in special occasions and in weekends. The people that visit this cinema usually looks for time to waste so the cinemas can be disturbing sometimes. The food is really good but you can find the same popcorn, nachos in all cinecos around Bahrain.

  • Ahmed Shukri

    Ahmed Shukri


    Wadi Al Sail's Cineco Cinema is the best choice for a relaxed, modern and well-managed theatre establishment. It is my number 1 choice any day and time.

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